For these opening spaces folding sliding patio doors are the solution. These spaces that give an access to the outside world can be executed in such a way that once opened the view is clear and undisturbed and when closed it should provide a peace of mind.
These doors can be classified on the basis of material used and the number of panes. Bi fold doors can be made in aluminum, uPVC and timber. And it can be manufactured from 3 panes or leaves to 9 panes.
Bi fold doors are constructed on a track on which they fold. This track is made of the same material of which the door is made up of. Doors move on this track with the help of the rollers that are made up of heavy duty material and tested for the worst conditions.
In the opposite track there is a guiding pin that moves on the track and keeps the door aligned panel. To open on a track it has to fold and for it to fold it has to slide so it is known as sliding folding door, which is open and move on a track.
These sliding folding doors are fitted with double glazing units which not only make it more efficient but also help in conserving energy.
Bi fold doors, sliding folding doors, bi folding doors having hi tech locking system to make your home more secure. Also have wide range of window includes designs, colors and in custom size.
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